player n. 1.游戏的人;选手;〔英国〕【板球】〔P-〕职业选手 (opp. Gentleman)。 2.演员;演奏人。 3.唱机。 4.为了消遣而干…的人;赌徒;懒人。 a seeded player 种子选手。 Players versus Gentlemen 〔英国〕职业选手对业余选手。 a record player 电唱机。 n. -dom 〔美国〕演员界,剧界。
Most of the players in our team are northerners .. 我们球队里北方人居多。
It is not fair to kick another player in football . 足球赛里是不允许踢另一位球员的。
The players in our drama were now scattered around the earth . 我们这出戏的角色现在分散在世界各地。
The new conductor started by weeding out the weaker players in the orchestra . 管弦乐队新来的指挥一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了。
Economic and social circumstances continued to weaken its power to influence events, and yet it remained a player in the game . 经济和社会状况继续削弱着它影响事态发展的能力。它仍然是勾心斗角的角逐中的一方。
He had been a football player in high school in st. louis before he was drafted, he had told her, and she saw the athlete remained in the wounded soldier . 他曾告诉她说,他在应征入伍之前是圣路易斯的中学橄球队的运动员。她看得出他虽是个伤兵,却仍带有运动员气质。
It is not fair to kick another player in football 在足球赛中不允许踢另一球员。
Anybody but the player in ) the lead , that is 任何人除了运动员之外在)引线,那是
He was an important player in the crisis 在那次危机中,他是一个重要的参与者。
He may be the best player in the history of the game 他也许是历史上最棒的打者。